Having difficulty with technical terms? We’ve made it simple for you.


AVR- Automatic Voltage Regulator:

The Sollatek AVR is a state of the art solid state stabilisers under the Voltright range. Using microprocessor technology, the AVR will rapidly detect voltage variations and correct the output to ensure 230V (+/-4%) supply. The Sollatek AVR has a very wide input range (-30% to +22%) and a voltage correction speed of 1250Volts per second. No mechanical parts means that the AVR doesn’t require maintenance and will not be affected by dusty environments as other mechanical (for example Servo type) stabilisers.


  • Microprocessor controlled – high speed response
  • Stabilises output to within +/-4%
  • Corrects input change of more than -30% to + 22%
  • A staggering 1250V/second correction speed
  • Rapid response time of within 15 milliseconds
  • Sizes available: from 250VA single phase Up to 700 amps per phase-three phase
  • Ideal for sensitive electronic office equipment, computers, TV & video, electronic medical and laboratory equipment, weighing machines, etc
  • Suitable for all applications for domestic and office use
  • Built into an attractive housing to blend with modern equipment
  • LED display – shows Input voltage level, output voltage level, Load current and overload
  • Overload protection – by measuring the load current, the AVR will switch the unit off if the current exceeds the AVR’s rating

To see the AVR (Voltright) range, visit: Voltright Product List


Automatic Voltage Switcher (AVS), is a term used for Sollatek Voltshield range of products.

The AVS units prevent damage to electrical and electronic equipment / appliances from power fluctuations, specifically over and under voltage levels of long duration. When the mains power supply fluctuates outside pre-set tolerances (nominally 190V and 260V) the power to your equipment is disconnected by the Switcher.

The Switcher then monitors the voltage for a short period to ensure the power has stabilised before re-connecting. In addition, a start-up delay period provides protection against power-back surges commonly experienced after resumption of power in a power cut situation. Surge and spike protection is also incorporated to ensure protection. For complete protection simply plug the Switcher into the mains and plug in your appliances. Protection is automatic.


See Sollatek’s range of AVS (Voltshield) products: Voltshield Product List

Brown out

Long duration of low voltage (milliseconds to seconds, minutes, hours or days). Very common in parts of the world especially where the power utilities are over-stretched. Prolonged and frequent brownouts cause the equipment to malfunction or not work at all. Repeated episodes are certain to cause damage. Motors and compressors (and therefore fridges, freezers, coolers, air-conditioners and pumps) are especially at risk. In time, damage is certain.

What causes Brown Out?

Most commonly an over-stretched utility, especially in areas of poor power distribution infra-structure and remote areas. Common in dry seasons where water is used for electricity generation.

High Voltage

Long duration (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours or days) rise in the voltage above acceptable limits. Depending on the level of the over-voltage, the damage can be instantaneous, severe and irreparable.

What causes High Voltage?

On return of mains supply after power cuts, under-sized utility oscillating between periods of brown-outs and over-voltage or accidental (e.g. accidental connection between two phases).

High Voltage Disconnect (HVD)

 A High Voltage Disconnect (HVD) is an automatic safety device that instantly cuts off power to protect equipment from damaging high voltage levels. It activates when voltage exceeds a pre-set limit.


After Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD) and Reconnect (LVR) , hysteresis is the voltage difference between the disconnect and reconnect thresholds. This intentional gap prevents rapid on/off cycling, ensuring system stability



isenseiconiSense™ is a trade mark of Sollatek Ltd. The iSense™ technology allows you to control how sensitive the VOLTSHIELD Guards are to voltage problems. Using the iSense™ dial you can set the desired level of protection.

(H) High setting ensures greater protection by narrowing the acceptable voltage limits. This is ideal for users with less erratic mains supply that require better protection, typically in main cities where the power supply is fairly stable.

(L) Low setting ensures more working time as it will tolerate wider acceptable voltage limits. This is ideal for users with more erratic mains supply that constantly switches off, providing wider window of acceptable voltage limits.


iSense dial on a VoltShield TVGuard

To see Sollatek’s Voltshield range with the iSense technology, visit: Voltshield Products


Direct or nearby strikes can cause minor problems or severe disturbances and damage. Lightning produces spikes/ surges, over-voltage or power cuts.

How Does Lightning Cause Power Surges?

The surge is generated by either a direct hit, or indirectly striking underground or overhead lines and transmitting high surges to connected equipment in nearby buildings.

When a lightning discharge strikes an overhead power cable it generates a short-lived impulse of hundreds of kilovolts. Flashover and protective devices near the point of impact reduce this to tens of kilovolts but nevertheless a formidable residual spike remains and is launched out in both directions along the overhead cable. It jumps across switches and transformers and if it enters a building may be propagated throughout the interior wiring. Because of their extreme amplitude spikes can cause fatal damage to vital components inside an item of equipment.

We have defined for the purpose of simplicity, to categorise our products into 3 levels of lightning protection:

1. Basic lightning
Protection up to 6.5kA

2. Advanced lightning
Protection between 6.5kA and 40kA

3. Expert lightning
Protection more than 40kA

For more information, please see lighting protection.

Load Shedding

Load Shedding is a scheduled blackout in different areas at different times, to protect the electricity power system from a total unplanned blackout.

Load-Shedding in South Africa

See Voltsure UPS system which has a cold start feature for load shedding environments.

Loss Of Neutral (LoN)

Loss of neutral means the neutral connection in the circuit is broken or disconnected. In a three-phase system, the neutral point, connected to the centre of a 3-phase transformer and grounded, acts as a reference for the three phases and provides a path for fault currents. A loss of neutral disrupts this balance, leading to uneven voltage and current distribution. Voltage fluctuations and dangerously high voltages can occur, potentially damaging equipment and even causing electrical fires.


Dive deeper into a Loss of Neutral and find out how you can protect yourselves 

Low Voltage

Long duration of low voltage (milliseconds to seconds, minutes, hours or days). Very common in parts of the world especially where the power utilities are over-stretched. Prolonged and frequent brownouts cause the equipment to malfunction or not work at all. Repeated episodes are certain to cause damage. Motors and compressors (and therefore fridges, freezers, coolers, air-conditioners and pumps) are especially at risk. In time, damage is certain.

What Causes Low Voltage?

Most commonly an over-stretched utility, especially in areas of poor power distribution infra-structure and remote areas. Common in dry seasons where water is used for electricity generation.

Low Voltage Disconnect (LVD)

In all VoltShield products, LVD (Low Voltage Disconnect) is an automatic electronic function that cuts off power to electrical loads when voltage drops below a preset threshold. This prevents low voltage from reaching appliances, which could cause damage. This feature is especially crucial for motors, as they can overheat and wear out prematurely when exposed to low voltage.

Low voltage reconnects (LVR)

The device automatically reconnects a load to the power source once voltage rises above a pre-set “low voltage” threshold, after previously disconnecting it to protect when the voltage dropped too low.


Solar modules made from single silicon crystalline cells. It differs from Multicrystalline modules used for electronics and solar cells, and from amorphous silicon, used for thin film devices and solar cells.

Monocrystalline silicon is more expensive than the multicrystalline due to the nature of manufacturing and efficiency output.

To see Sollatek’s range of Monocrystalline modules, visit: Monocrystalline Product


Also called Polycrystalline, are  Solar modules made from cells cut from several silicon crystals.

It differs from single-crystal (Monocrystalline), used for electronics and solar cells, and from amorphous silicon, used for thin film devices and solar cells.

Over half of the world’s supply of multicrystalline is being used for production of renewable electricity solar power panels. Multicrystalline silicon is less priced than the monocrystalline due to the nature of manufacturing and efficiency output.

To see Sollatek’s range of Multicrystallines, visit: Multicrystalline Product


What is Radio Frequency Interference or Noise?

High frequency disturbances that occur within a short period of time (milliseconds). RFI & noise are very common in all parts of the world and are the main cause of data corruption.

What causes Radio Frequency Interference or Noise?

Generated by high frequency noise from nearby equipment like TV, radio equipment, transmitters, mobile phones, switching on/off of certain loads, fluorescent lights, motor speed controls, light dimmers.

Over Voltage

Long duration (milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours or days) rise in the voltage above acceptable limits. Depending on the level of the over-voltage, the damage can be instantaneous, severe and irreparable.

What Causes Over Voltage?

On return of mains supply after power cuts, under-sized utility oscillating between periods of brown-outs and over-voltage or accidental (e.g. accidental connection between two phases).

See over voltage protection product HivoltGuard iSense

Phase imbalance

Phase imbalance describes a condition within a three-phase alternating current (AC) electrical system where the voltage levels of the three phases are unequal.

Phase imbalance is caused by Unevenly distributed single-phase loads,  Faulty or degraded electrical connections, Unbalanced transformer banks,  Utility supply instability,  Internal faults within electrical equipment, such as motors.

Phase Rotation

The order in which a 3 phase supply is connected to the load.

Once the connections are set, any future wiring changes different to the original installation will be recognised and the output will be disconnected.

Power-back surge

These typically occur when power returns after a power-cut and connected equipment receives a surge of electricity at an over-voltage level, which can be very damaging (see above).

What Causes a Power-Back Surge?

Power back surges are created by the utility, when it restores supply at an above normal voltage in order to compensate for the demand as connected equipment re-starts simultaneously.

Read more here about the causes and control of power surges

Power Cut

Common in every country in the world, especially in areas of frequent voltage problems. Sudden loss of power can cause damage ranging from corruption of data to mechanical faults as equipment is stopped while in operation.

What Causes Power Cuts?

Power or sub station failure, breakdown in the distribution network, or simply a plug being pulled out accidentally.

Power management software

Sollatek Voltsure features the WinPower software; a powerful UPS monitoring tool which provides user-friendly interface to monitor and control your UPS system.

This software provides complete power protection for computer system while encountering power failure. With this software, users can monitor any UPS status on the same LAN. Furthermore, any UPS can protect any PC on the same LAN.


For more information go to this link: www.ups-software-download.com/content/ups-download-software/download.html


What Does RFI Stand for?

Radio Frequency Interference or Noise. High frequency disturbances that occur within a short period of time (milliseconds). RFI & noise are very common in all parts of the world and are the main cause of data corruption.

What causes RFI?

Generated by high frequency noise from nearby equipment like TV, radio equipment, transmitters, mobile phones, switching on/off of certain loads, fluorescent lights, motor speed controls, light dimmers.


SCC- Solar Control Centre

Sollatek’s state of the art, microprocessor controlled solar charge controller for professional medium and large-scale solar powered systems.

The solar charge controller is at the heart of every solar system, and is required to monitor and control the power going into and coming out of the battery. It must also manage the power generated by the solar panel to ensure it does not overcharge the battery. The charge controller must also ensure that the connected loads don’t over-discharge the battery, thereby damaging it.

For more information on Sollatek’s charge controller range, visit: Charge Controllers


SCR or Thyristor

The Sollatek AVR range (>250Amps/phase) uses Silicon  Controller Rectifiers (SCR or Thyristor) technology which is a four-layer solid-state current-controlling device. It requires a gate signal to turn it “ON”, the “controlled” part of the name and once “ON” it behaves like a rectifying diode, the “rectifier” part of the name. In fact the circuit symbol for the thyristor suggests that this device acts like a controlled rectifying diode.

At higher currents, SCR technology provides ultimate robustness and efficiency of operation.


SPCC- Solar Power Charge Controller

Sollatek’s range of charge controllers for all solar applications from 10A to 16A.

The solar charge controller is at the heart of every solar system, and is required to monitor and control the power going into and coming out of the battery. It must also manage the power generated by the solar panel to ensure it does not overcharge the battery. The charge controller must also ensure that the connected loads don’t over-discharge the battery, thereby damaging it.

For more information on Sollatek’s charge controller range, visit: Charge Controllers



Very short, (one millisecond) event of very high surge in voltage to thousands of volts and amps. Spikes are common in all parts of the world and repeated exposure to spikes will damage electronic equipment and corrupt data.

What Causes Power Spikes?

Switching on/off of nearby equipment, lightning, motors starting etc

For more information, please see voltage surges.


Sollatek’s range of charge controllers for all solar applications from 6A to 90A.

The solar charge controller is at the heart of every solar system, and is required to monitor and control the power going into and coming out of the battery. It must also manage the power generated by the solar panel to ensure it does not overcharge the battery. The charge controller must also ensure that the connected loads don’t over-discharge the battery, thereby damaging it.

For more information on Sollatek’s charge controller range, visit: Charge Controllers



Very short, (one millisecond) event of very high surge in voltage to thousands of volts and amps. Spikes are common in all parts of the world and repeated exposure to spikes will damage electronic equipment and corrupt data.

What Causes Power Surges?

Switching on/off of nearby equipment, lightning, motors starting etc

For more information, please see voltage surges.

Surge Suppressor

Surge Suppressors are devices that protect against surges, spikes, lightning and in some cases RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and noise.

Find out more about the Voltsafe range of surge suppressors

Single Phase Power

Is a type of alternating current (AC) electrical power. Unlike direct current (DC), where electricity flows in one direction, AC reverses its direction periodically in a single sine wave form. Single-phase power typically uses two wires:

Live: The live wire that carries the current.

Neutral: The neutral wire that provides the return path for the current.

Most residential properties in the UK utilise a single-phase electrical supply.  It is not constant but  fluctuates as the voltages rise and fall.


SVS- Sollatek Voltage Stabiliser

The Sollatek SVS are range of products under the Voltright brand. It monitors the mains voltage continuously, if the voltage rises or drops, the SVS will stabilise the output to ensure the voltage reaching your equipment remains constant at 230V (±6%) or 110V (±6%) for US voltage systems, within the operating range of the unit. If the input voltage falls below 142V* or rises above 295V*, the SVS will disconnect the output, thereby protecting the load. Once the mains voltage returns again within acceptable limits, the SVS will reconnect the output following a start up delay.



  • Microprocessor controlled stabiliser
  • Very wide input voltage range
  • Excellent output voltage stability (+/-6%)
  • Includes surge and spike suppression
  • Full RFI & noise suppression (ER option only)
  • Extremely fast response
  • Incorporates over-voltage & under voltage disconnect
  • 10 second start-up delay as standard
  • Incorporates TIMESAVE™ Function

Te see the SVS (Voltright) range of products, visit this link: Voltright Product List

Telecom surge

Short term, high voltage and current phenomena occurring on the telephone lines. Can cause irreparable damage to any piece of equipment connected to the incoming line. The telephone line itself may even be damaged or destroyed in severe cases.

What Causes Telecom Surges?

Telecom spikes are caused by lightning striking either the telephone line directly or an object near it.

Three Phase Power

Three-phase power is an alternating current (AC) electrical power system that uses four wires in UK electrical systems, each carrying an AC current. It’s primarily used in industrial and commercial settings where high power demands are common.

In the UK, a typical three-phase electrical supply consists of four wires:

Three live wires: These conductors carry the alternating currents.

A neutral wire: This provides a common return path for the current, enabling the supply of both three-phase and single-phase loads.

Three-phase power offers a more consistent and efficient power delivery compared to single-phase power, which experiences power fluctuations. Consequently, single-phase power is commonly used in domestic settings, while three-phase power is preferred for industrial and high-demand applications.  

Temporary over voltage (TOV)

A sustained, elevated voltage in a power system that lasts for a relatively long period, like seconds or even minutes, compared to a typical voltage surge, and is often caused by system faults, load switching, or resonance conditions, potentially stressing electrical equipment due to its extended duration; essentially, it’s a prolonged period of voltage exceeding the normal operating level. 


timesaveiconTIMESAVE™ is a trademark of Sollatek Ltd. A feature within the Voltshield and Voltright and Freo range that adds the following protective function:

TimeSave™ means that when the mains return to normal, the Sollatek unit checks the duration of the OFF time. If the unit has been off for more than the standard wait time, then it will reconnect the mains within 10 seconds. This means the Sollatek unit will give you more vital working time than any other switcher or stabiliser.

The duration of the start-up delay period varies between 30 seconds and 10 minutes, depending on the model. For refrigeration and air conditioning equipment a delay of 3-4 minutes is recommended. The 3-4 minute delay allows compressors to neutralise before re-starting.


The Sollatek Ultima is a range of line interactive UPSs under the Voltsure brand.

Available in 400VA to 2000VA ratings – is the perfect line interactive UPS for stand alone PCs and SoHo workstations. It protects your network equipment from power surges, brownouts and utility failures at a competitive cost. Its compact design
features tighter output voltage and frequency regulation, RS232 and USB communications port, and modem/data line protection.

To see the Voltsure Ultima range of products, visit: Voltsure Product Listvoltsure

Under Voltage

Under voltage (low power), sometimes referred to as a brown-out, will damage any refrigeration appliance’s compressor.

Low voltage is a major cause of motor overheating and premature failure. A low voltage forces a motor to draw extra current to deliver the power expected of it.

See our list of products that protect from under voltage



Also known as the Stabiliser and Regulator Range, is a trade mark of Sollatek Ltd. The Voltright encompasses range of singe and three phase units that primarily act as Automatic Voltage Regulators (AVR) or Voltage Stabilisers (SVS).

Difference between SVS and AVR:


SVS- Sollatek Voltage Stabiliser

The Sollatek SVS monitors the mains voltage continuously. If the voltage rises or drops, the SVS will stabilise the output to ensure the voltage reaching your equipment remains constant at 230V (±6%) or 110V (±6%) for US voltage systems, within the operating range of the unit. If the input voltage falls below 142V or rises above 295V, the SVS will disconnect the output, thereby protecting the load. Once the mains voltage returns again within acceptable limits, the SVS will reconnect the output following a start up delay.

AVR- Sollatek Automatic Voltage Regulators

The Sollatek AVR is a state of the art solid state stabiliser. Using microprocessor technology, the AVR will rapidly detect voltage variations and correct the output to ensure 230V (+/-4%) supply. The Sollatek AVR has a very wide input range (-30% to +22%) and a voltage correction speed of 1250Volts per second. No mechanical parts means that the AVR doesn’t require maintenance and will not be affected by dusty environments as other mechanical (for example Servo type) stabilisers.

To see the Voltright range of products visit: Voltright Product List



Also known as the Suppressor Range, is a trade mark of Sollatek Ltd. The Voltsafe encompasses range of singe and three phase units that primarily protect against surges, spikes, lightning and in some cases RFI (Radio Frequency Interference) and Noise.

Surge/Spike is a rise or peak in voltage up to thousands of volts and last for very short period of time (milliseconds). These powerful events can eventually blow out microscopic holes in electronic circuitry causing severe damage or failure. Unlike over-voltage which last for longer times (milliseconds to seconds to minutes or even hours), you do not need to switch off the mains to protect against surges and spikes. Clamping to a safe level is the method of protection. The level of protection is best measured in joules and there is no complete protection here but the more joules of protection available the less possibility of damage.

A standard surge protector can absorb about 140Joules. Other factors are important, as in the speed of response, availability of earthing, etc. RFI and noise is generated by nearby equipment such as elevators, motors, radio controlled equipment, etc. Whilst surges/spike protection is incorporated in almost all of the Sollatek range of products, Sollatek in addition manufactures this range (Suppressor Range) solely for protection against these events.


To see the Voltsafe range of products visit: Voltsafe Product List



Also known as the Switcher Range, is a trade mark of Sollatek Ltd. The Voltshield encompasses range of singe and three phase units that primarily act as Automatic Voltage Switchers or AVS.

Prevents damage to electrical and electronic equipment / appliances from power fluctuations, specifically over and under voltage levels of long duration. When the mains power supply fluctuates outside pre-set tolerances (nominally 190V and 260V) the power to your equipment is disconnected by the Switcher.

The Switcher then monitors the voltage for a short period to ensure the power has stabilised before re-connecting. In addition, a start-up delay period provides protection against power-back surges commonly experienced after resumption of power in a power cut situation. Surge and spike protection is also incorporated to ensure protection. For complete protection simply plug the Switcher into the mains and plug in your appliances. Protection is automatic.


Main features and benefits

  • Microprocessor controlled – high speed response.
  • Solid State reliability – no moving parts.
  • Fully automatic in operation – requires no user intervention.
  • In- built start-up delay – protect against surges.
  • Includes surge and spike protection as standard.
  • Quiet, unobtrusive operation.
  • Warranty of 2 years.

For see the range of Voltshield products click here: Voltshield Product List



Also known as the UPS Range, is a trade mark of Sollatek Ltd. The Voltsure encompasses range of uninterruptible power supply units that primarily act as backup power in case of power-cut.

A robust, fully line-interactive UPS system, Ultima provides a solidly reliable source of backup computing power. Enabling all computer users to remain wholly productive – especially in regions of uncertain public electricity supply – Ultima boasts a wealth of superlative features at a competitively low price.

Continuous power: it’s crucial.Power problems – surges, brownouts and utility failures – can place your business at great risk. The busier and more complex your computing network, the greater the risk. And if power failure means productivity loss, this threatens your company’s performance and profitability – and perhaps even its very existence.

Yet an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is easy to install and costs next to nothing. Given the potential price of power failure, an effective UPS is indispensable. And your ideal UPS protection is available now – with Sollatek’s Ultima range.


  • Microprocessor controlled line interactive UPS.

  • Automatic Voltage Stabiliser.

  • RS232 and USB communications port with software for controlling the PC for safe shutdown and UPS parameter reporting via user friendly interface.

  • Unique system for charging battery even during a brown out.

  • Short circuit and overload protection.

  • Cold start feature for load shedding environments.

  • Bad battery detection and advance replacement notification (3 months ahead).

  • Free power monitoring and PC shutdown software included.

  • Green power function for energy saving.

  • Auto restart while AC recovery.

  • Compact size and light weight.

Power Management Software

Sollatek Voltsure features the WinPower software; a powerful UPS monitoring tool which provides user-friendly interface to monitor and control your UPS system. This software provides complete power protection for computer system while encountering power failure. With this software, users can monitor any UPS status on the same LAN. Furthermore, any UPS can protect any PC on the same LAN.


To see the Voltsure range of products visit: Voltsure Product List